1. Palm: To hold an object in an apparently empty hand.
(In essence this means to set up the illusion. This was done on 9/11 by showing the 2nd plane crash into the south tower in Manhattan on live TV. This mentally conditioned everyone in Arlington to instantly expect a low flying airliner headed fast towards the Pentagon to hit the building.)
2. Ditch: To secretly dispose of an unneeded object.
(Flight 77 was lost on radar as early as 8:56 while the alleged impact was not until just after 9:30. This gave the perpetrators approximately 30 minutes to "ditch" the original plane for the flyover drone.)
3. Steal: To secretly obtain a needed object.
(The plane swap was initiated as the flyover drone was launched and took over the flight path of the ditched original plane.)
4. Load: To secretly move a needed object to where it is needed.
(The drone passenger jet was put on course to the Pentagon and flown treetop level over Arlington.)
5. Simulation: To give the impression that something that hasn't happened, has.
(The plane reaches the Pentagon with a perfectly timed explosion and fireball creating the impression that it hit the building.)
6. Misdirection: To lead attention away from a secret move.
(The massive fireball and smoke plume divert attention from, and help conceal, the flyover drone as it flies away.)
7. Switch: To secretly exchange one object for another.
(The C-130, E4B, and additional flying craft in the area are introduced to serve as cover and confusion for anyone who may have witnessed the drone fly over or away from the building.)*
*Click here for details regarding the 2nd plane cover story.